How the internet is changing today’s society

Research topic:

How the internet is changing today’s society?


Questions to look into:

-Personal iterations/ psychology


-Eye site


– Research (every day research as well as school work)


Why I picked this research paper:

I picked this paper for many reasons. Today’s society has changed a lot since I have been around. I feel as if the internet is making us more intelligent in some ways more than others. I would like to create a paper to show people how the past was compared to right now. I have always wanted to look more into the internet and if it truly is making the world change; but I have never really had the chance to explore this topic. There is defiantly a lot to learn on this topic as well as a lot of personal opinions. I found several interesting books on the internet and all the social media sites in today’s society. Bottom line is I really enjoy this topic.


Main topic: How the world is changing with the internet.


Pathos:  The world has changed dramatically over the last couple of decades.


Ethos: I’ve been growing up throughout the most dramatic change due to the internet.




^Has several hyperlinks with in the article. Talks about the internet, fields of educations, and some ways society is changing.

This article has several key points. They touch on medical problems that are being solved little by little through the internet as well as business sky rocketing in the early 2000’s. One other main thing the touch on is how they made traveling fun through the internet and all of the positive things the internet is doing for us.

My only argument I am going to run into on this project will be the fact that there are several positive outcomes leaving little to none negative statements in the article.


-“About four years ago, teachers were very slowly introduced to the world of computers.”

– “Today, with the vast knowledge presented on the “Internet” one can glean great sources of information.”

– “the Internet, empowers patients and their families as they can gain so much knowledge about the newest research and treatments.”

-“Many businesses have websites that allow people to conduct business “on line””

-“ Half the fun people say, is planning one’s vacation.”

Licences image:

8540717756_396867dbab_n   How are social media sites effecting schooling, jobs, and every days life?


Articles (full text):

A qualitative inquiry into the contextualized parental mediation practices of young children digital media use at home   

Youth monitor   


Books ordered: Not in yet order 3 one book they said they could not get.  “The art of social media : power tips for power users /”  “Social media : dominating strategies for social media marketing with Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn and Instagram /”

The art of social media: power tips for power users

This book is honestly the stupidest book I have ever seen. It shows you how to increase your followers, make a better post and things connected to twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

“The purpose of this book is to enable you to rock social media” Page ix

“focus your avatar on your face”

I think that the only reason I would use this book would be to show how there are books on things like social media. Not a fan of the book though. 


Article ordered:


Check out books:

“The internet book” by Douglas E. Comer

Everything you need to know about computers and net working. Shows that anyone can learn to use the internet.

Quotes: Page 1 “The world is changing”

“A revolution is taking place” page 1

“Understanding the big picture” page 3

There really is not anything that I can find wrong with this book. They are mostly all facts the only problem I am going to run into is reading all the information. Great book.

“Network life” by Mung Chaing

This book covers great little helpful hints as well as some big secrets people may be interested in. Shows how people are interested in things such as Facebook and twitter and what is really pulling there tension to stick with it.

Quotes: Page 1 “the rise of wireless network, the internet, and the web over the last five years decades, coupled with advances in chip design,…”

“How does google rank web pages” Page 44

“when can I trust an average rating on amazon” Page 89

There is a chance that I will find other places that disagree with the stuff they are saying. There for I might have a problem figuring out which source I will use.

“The internet the web and ebusiness” by Kai a. olsen

This book talks more about all of the things that are making the internet happen as well as how it was created.

Quotes: page 1 “Late 1990 Tim Berners-Lee got the very first Web page up on his display. Today there are countless numbers of Web pages, and more than five hundred million people all over the world are connected to the internet”

Page 5 “For many people computer technology, and the internet, is a black box.”

Page 85 “Communication is controlled by protocols.”

Some problems that I am going to run into with this book is that it is very dry and factual. There is not really to many things to keep readers enjoying but maybe trust you more with your article.

Website that look helpful: 

Dangerous effect of internet addiction”

This article covers whether or not the internet and things that you do on the internet are addicting. The California State University report wrote this article. They also cover whether or not it damages relationships. There is another pin point on isolation which is interesting because I didn’t really think about the internet in that way.

Quotes          “People who spend hours on end on the Internet eventually start to see its effects in their lives.”

“More oftentimes than not, people who spend unusually large amounts of recreational time online meet all of the key criteria for addiction.”

“Spending increasing amounts of time online gradually isolates a person from friends and loved ones.”

One of the main problems that  I think I will run into is that there are some facts, but they mostly are opinions.

Is the internet hurting are children?”

This article talks all about children. It covers manly reasons that the internet is hurting are children. They also tell a little about the age groups a little bit.

Quotes                    “Consumer Reports reported last year that more than 7.5 million American kids under the age of 13 have joined Facebook, which technically requires users to be 13 years old to open an account.”

“By the time they’re 2 years old, more than 90% of all American children have an online history.

“we as a society must confront the challenges endemic in our 24/7 digital world.”

I am going to run into problems with how they are all stating all facts about the negatives and not really positive options.

Tecnology is rewriting the rules of human interation”

This article talks about changing the rules of the internet as well as how screens effect your vision. I think that Vision is one of the main factors that parents should be thinking about. They also touch on how screens are really every where you go.

Quotes: “In the first scenario, a man and a woman sit across from each other at a romantically lit table in a fancy restaurant texting.”

“She sets him down at the table, hands him a tablet device, takes out her smartphone, searches messages, and half listens for only occasional moments of adult conversation squeezed in between swooshes across their collective screens.”

“Virtual distance is a psychological and emotional sense of detachment that accumulates little by little, at the sub-conscious or unconscious level, as people trade-off time interacting with each other for time spent “screen skating”.”

A problem that I am going to run into with this article is the fact that I find this article so interesting and agree with everything. This will make me want to hyper link this site more than others.


Personal accounts on twitter:

-Jacob Applbaum @ioerror

-Runa A. Sandvik @runasands


Organized accounts on twitter:

“social media today” @social media2day

“Humane societyVerified account” @HumaneSociety


People to interview:

Meaghan Martin: Female age 19

Question: How old were you when you got your first cell phone?

Answer: 6th grade so probable 11 or 12

Question: How has the internet changed things since you’ve grown up?

Answer: There is no dial-up. It defiantly makes people less interactive and they don’t play outside as much.

Question: How would you say you’ve benefited from technology?

Answer: It is easier to figure out your questions through google and such. It’s easy to get access to information.

Question: Would you like things to stay the way they are or the way they were? Or do you feel as if we need to keep growing?

Answer: I would say I like how it is right now. I mean I wish that we were a little less developed than when we were right now. When it takes like 10 seconds to send a text you get irritated by it. So people are defiantly just forgetting how it was.

Question: What’s the biggest change in technology since you can remember?

Answer: Tablets have developed a lot. I still don’t really understand them because its a phone but its a lab-top I just don’t get what it is for.


Jake Orzechowski: Male age 19

Question: How old were you when you got your first cell phone?

Answer: 7th grade

Question: How has the internet changed things since you’ve grown up?

Answer: It has sucked people in and gotten way out of hand.

Question: How would you say you’ve benefited from technology?

Answer: Communication and the ability to look everything up quickly.

Question: Would you like things to stay the way they are or the way they were? Or do you feel as if we need to keep growing?

Answer: The way they were, because humans are turning into zombies they have no social skills. Look at us both right now we are sitting here on technology.

Question: What’s the biggest change in technology since you can remember?

Answer: Cell phones have defiantly changed a lot. When I was a kid I didn’t really know to many people that had cell phones and it wasn’t really something that anyone wanted either.


Sandie Ward: Female age 55

Question: How old were you when you got your first cell phone?

Answer: about 50 years old

Question: How has the internet changed things since you’ve grown up?

Answer: Shopping has changed, used to buy encyclopedia and then you would get up grades, now you go online and google everything. When I was a kid we played outside and had fun with it.

Question: How would you say you’ve benefited from technology?

Answer: My job is on the computer.

Question: Would you like things to stay the way they are or the way they were? Or do you feel as if we need to keep growing?

Answer: I wouldn’t want them the way they were because I hated shopping but I like shopping on line. Change is good I just think that it gets a little over whelming. I think what is happening is just fine.

Question: Whats the biggest change in technology since you can remember?

Answer: I think that cell phones are one of the biggest changes you have everything at your figure tips from internet, games, Tv  even research.


Norman Ward: Male age 60

Question: How old were you when you got your first cell phone?


Question: How has the internet changed things since you’ve grown up?

Answer: The internet has changed big time. It lets me look everything up quickly and I can find information about anything really.

Question: How would you say you’ve benefited from technology?

Answer: In more ways then one. It saves time and money like ordering on line. The stream of information can not be put in words how much we have benefited from it.

Question: Would you like things to stay the way they are or the way they were? Or do you feel as if we need to keep growing?

Answer: We defiantly need to keep growing because growth is good.

Question: Whats the biggest change in technology since you can remember?

Answer: Tv’s as well as all of the bod cast as well as video recording.










One thought on “How the internet is changing today’s society

  1. I love this topic, so I am really excited to see how it turns out! Remember to go EARLY to get help from the Reference Librarians in Lamson if you struggle to find sources that are focused and helpful, and remember that the Writing Center can also assist you at any point (making an outline, organizing notes, editing, revising, etc).


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